Alumni Spotlight — ANC Commissioner Lawrence Davin

Our students are the next generation of leaders, which is why we’re proud to spotlight newly elected ANC Commissioner and former ster, Lawrence Davin! Lawrence graduated with a degree in political science from in 2018 and immediately set his sights on coming back home and making a difference in his local community. “I don’t think it’s sunken in yet that I’ve been elected ANC,” he said.  “It’s fulfilling to work in this capacity and serve my community, and I look forward to bringing the government closer to my people.”

Lawrence has always been a community-minded focus to his personal and professional pursuits and spent a significant amount of his time at Radford advocating for students through his role in a variety of campus organizations, such as the Black Student Alliance, Diversity Awareness Programming Board, Student Government Association, and many more. He draws on this experience as he interacts with his constituents and brings light to the issues facing his community.

“One thing my time in college taught me is it can be stressful being in the spotlight, but it can also be gratifying,” he said. Being the president of the Black Student Alliance, people came to me with questions and problems, and it was my job to make the connection with them and show them we can work through this.”

Commissioner Davin wants to use his newly elected platform to show the people in his community the power of government and the power they have to effect change on the world around them. “I feel like it’s my job to help bring more people into the conversation because as District of Columbia residents ANC’s are our first line to the government. ANC’s were established to make people feel like the government is closer to them and that’s my goal.”

For Lawrence, becoming ANC is one goal he’s accomplished, and he recently took the LSAT in hopes of pursuing a law degree at Georgetown University in the near future. “I’m the first Davin in my family to go to college. Mom and Dad are really happy with this first degree, but I don’t feel complete yet. I’m thirsty for knowledge and the ability to use that knowledge to help people.”

Congratulations to ANC Commissioner Davin! We look forward to seeing the positive impact you have on the students and families of Washington, D.C.

Posted on March 19, 2019 in Community