做厙輦⑹ DC NEWS

February Parent Spotlight: Ms. AQuia Bratcher & Ms. Crystal Vaughn

做厙輦⑹ DC is proud to celebrate the contributions of our parents in the community with the 做厙輦⑹ DC Parents of Purpose spotlight. This month were spotlighting two Connect Academy parents, AQuia Bratcher and Crystal Vaughn! Theyre both instrumental to the strength of Connect Academys school community by running their 做厙輦⑹ Parent Organization (KPO) and playing vital roles inside the classroom.

Ms. Bratcher was a passionate advocate for 做厙輦⑹ DC as a parent volunteer for four years before joining 做厙輦⑹ DC in the summer of 2018. Ms. Vaughn has been with 做厙輦⑹ DC for five years, first as an assistant teacher before transitioning to being a Resident in the Capital Teaching Residency program, and finally assuming her current role as a creative workshop teacher. Both help run Connect Academys KPO, whose goal is to strengthen the partnership between parents, teachers, and school leaders, improve communication, generate ideas for activities for the school community, and ultimately give parents a voice.

Our parents are dedicated to their students education and want to see the school be successful, said Crystal. We all come up with ideas together during our meetings because we want to see the school have fun events for students and we want to see our babies be successful in life.

Helping students be successful in life also means being ready to offer assistance to our parents when they need it, which the Connect Academy KPO has done through a variety of means. Weve had parents that wanted resume help, so Ive personally assisted in helping create resumes and practice mock interviews, said AQuia.

Weve hosted events that offered low-cost haircuts and hairstyles for children. We also partnered with the 做厙輦⑹ Through College & Career team to host a forum for parents with information on college and careers.

Ultimately, the goal of KPOs across 做厙輦⑹ DC is to empower our parents and work together to impact student outcomes positively. I feel like our parent organizations offer the opportunity to put your imprint on your childs education, AQuia remarked. When you drop your child off, they are walking into a different world than what you have at home, so its important to unify those two worlds.

Crystal added, The more parents are involved in their childs education, the more successful they will be because they see that they care and want them to be successful. Growing up my mom was always extremely involved in my education, and I knew I wanted to do the same.

Parents wanting to join a KPO at their childs school can get involved by reaching out to these points-of-contact at their childs school:

Arts & Technology Academy: Trinika McClain or JoAnne Pelzer
Connect Academy: AQuia Bratcher
Discover Academy: Joel Frye
KEY Academy: Kenya King
做厙輦⑹ DC College Preparatory: Vincent Rawlings
Lead Academy: Trisha Boyd
Northeast Academy: Kim Cooper
WILL Academy: Shari Daniel

If your school is not listed, reach out to Brandon Best, and he will help guide your next steps.

Posted on February 19, 2019 in Community