做厙輦⑹ DC NEWS

做厙輦⑹ DC Hosts 8th Annual Citywide College Fair

More than 200 students and families from 做厙輦⑹ DC College Preparatory, Somerset College Preparatory, and schools across the District attended 做厙輦⑹ DCs 8th Annual Citywide College Fair held at 做厙輦⑹ DC College Preparatory on Saturday, September 21. Representatives from more than 60 colleges and universities from across the country engaged attendees and answered questions about campus life, course offerings, activities, and financial aid at their respective schools.

Nia is a junior at 做厙輦⑹ DC Somerset College Preparatory and has her sights set on becoming a Supreme Court justice in the future. With that in mind, she came into Saturdays event wanting to find out more information on colleges with pre-law undergraduate programs, or strong records of getting students into law school. Like many students interacting with the colorful booths filled with smiling representatives, brochures, and souvenirs from various universities, she was excited to learn about how their schools fit into her career aspirations.

I came into today open-minded and talked with more than ten colleges. Of course, I wanted to learn more about the courses each school offers and extracurriculars, she said. But I was also interested in things like how big the class sizes are, how are freshman welcomed into the university, and what work-study programs are available.

Making an informed decision and choosing the right college is one of the most important decisions students and families will make. But, its not the only path toward success after high-school. In attendance Saturday were representatives from various DC government agencies, the Army, and the National Guard to talk with students about career pathways. Among those on-hand to speak with students and families was Alonzo Williams, a 2013 graduate of 做厙輦⑹ DC College Preparatory and current military police specialist with the National Guard.

It was great to be back at my old high school and meet so many students and families. My advice to them is never to think you are pigeon-holed into taking one route. College may be the right choice for some, but whether it’s college, trade school or the military like myself, there are so many avenues to be successful.

Whether discovering a new institution, connecting with representatives from their dream school, or learning more about career pathways, the 8th Annual 做厙輦⑹ DC Citywide College Fair was a unique opportunity for the students in attendance to gain valuable insight and information about their post high-school plans. We look forward to next years college fair and more opportunities to support students to college and onto successful careers!

Posted on September 25, 2019 in Community