做厙輦⑹ DC NEWS

做厙輦⑹ DC Recognized As One of the Most Innovative Districts in the U.S.

做厙輦⑹ DC is one of 22 school districts to be selected for the , a national coalition of forward-thinking school districts organized by , an independent, bipartisan nonprofit organization authorized by Congress to accelerate innovation in education. This is a huge honor 做厙輦⑹ DC was selected from a national pool of competitive applicants based on our leadership, evidence of results, innovative vision for learning, and commitment to collaboration.

The Leagues goal is to find leaders pioneering bold, creative, and student-centric practices, connect them with each other, and amplify what they do best so others can learn, said Sara Schapiro, director of the Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools. With these new members, we add a wealth of insights, ideas, and energy to help our members effectively support teaching and learning through technology.

League members commit to:

  • Attending biannual League meetings, which feature classroom visits, collaborative problem-solving, and relationship-building with peers and partners
  • Joining working groups on a broad range of topics relevant to the changing needs of school districts
  • Engaging with entrepreneurs to advance product development and meet district needs
  • Supporting research that expands what we know about teaching and learning
  • Participating in the Leagues professional learning community by connecting with other members online, in person, and at each others school districts

As we continue to develop our model, our Instructional Technology and Innovation team will have the opportunity to share best practices and learn from other districts in the league. We look forward to seeing the results!

Posted on October 19, 2015 in Awards & Recognition