°µÍø½ûÇø DC NEWS

°µÍø½ûÇø in the Community – September 2017 Edition

Happy September! The leaves are beginning to fall, and our students have officially reached their 40th day of school. While students and families are quickly getting acclimated to the new school year, our community relations team has also been out and engaging members of the °µÍø½ûÇø DC family andÌýentire D.C. community. Take a look at what’s been up this month with the team at °µÍø½ûÇø DC.

Joyful Food Market comes to Benning and Smilow Campus –Ìý Since 2015 we’ve partnered withÌýÌýand local nonprofits to bring healthy pop-up grocery markets to our Douglas Campus in Ward 8.ÌýThis year,Ìýwe’re proud to kick off the first of many Joyful Food Markets at Benning and Smilow Campuses in Ward 7.Ìý It was a pleasure to seeÌýso many studentsÌýand families, neighbors, and community members come together to shop for fresh, healthy produce, pantryÌýitems,Ìýand sample new products – all at no cost! Learn more andÌýmark your calendars for the next Joyful Food Markets atÌýBenningÌý²¹²Ô»åÌýSmilowÌý°ä²¹³¾±è³Ü²õ.

Grosso @ KEYCouncilmember David GrossoÌý& Restorative Justice atÌýKEY AcademyÌýÌý–Ìý Councilmember David Grosso and staff member Darby HicksÌývisited KEY Academy school leaders at Benning campus in Ward 7. Councilmember Grosso stopped in to getÌýanÌýin depthÌýlook at some of the restorative justice practices and learn how they are positively changing the way our staff, students, and families approachÌýdisciplineÌýand student-staff relationships!

Smilow Parent Community Meeting –ÌýWe’d like to extend huge thanks to all of the families that joined us at the Smilow Community and Parent Meeting on September 14. Your open and honest conversation regarding a potential °µÍø½ûÇø DC high school location, course offerings, and culture was invaluable! We look forward toÌýmany continued conversations, across all our campuses, with our families on the future of our students’ education!ÌýBe sure to join us for upcoming October meetings at Douglass Campus (10/3), Webb Campus (10/11), and Shaw Campus (10/18). More information to come.

Breanna Bledsoe visits °µÍø½ûÇø DC Douglass Campus –ÌýBreanna Bledsoe, Legislative Counsel to Councilmember Robert White, visited °µÍø½ûÇøsters at our Douglass campus onÌýSeptember 12. Ms. Bledsoe visited the Douglass Campus to get an inside look at the early childhood and elementary educational design at our tier 1 Discover and Heights Academies. Learn more about the quality of °µÍø½ûÇø DC early childhood schoolsÌýhere.

Back to School Nights at °µÍø½ûÇø DC –ÌýThis month we continued to meet new students and families and reconnect withWillBacktoSchool returning students and families at Back to School Nights across °µÍø½ûÇø DC campuses. Our teachers and leaders were eager to meet their students’ families and are excited to build sustaining partnerships to ensure an excellent year. If you need a copy of the 2017-18 handbook, your school’s lunch menu, or additional resources, head to ourÌýStudentsÌý& Families page!

°µÍø½ûÇø DC College Preparatory Students Attend Women’s Leadership SummitÌý– On Friday, September 15 °µÍø½ûÇø DC College Preparatory students attended the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Leadership Summit! As part of the summit, students got the opportunity to sit in on the Women Inspiring Design, Equity in Architecture lecture featuring renowned architectÌýDina Griffin.ÌýDina DianGriffin - KCP Women's Leadership Summitgave inspiring remarks on women in architecture and even discussed her most recent journey to becoming one of the architects of the Barack Obama Presidential Center in Chicago!

What an exciting September! Check back next month to see what the community relations team has been up to across the District. As always, and don’t hesitate to reach out to Althea Holford or Nathan Woods with questions or to learn more aboutÌýwhere °µÍø½ûÇø DC is in the community. Excited to see what October has in store!

Posted on September 29, 2017 in Community