°µÍø½ûÇø DC NEWS

Introducing Shannon Hodge, °µÍø½ûÇø DC’s New President

Over the past few month’s we’ve undertaken an extensive engagement and selection process to find a truly exceptional leader to become °µÍø½ûÇø DC’s new president and we’re thrilled to introduce our selection. 

Shannon Hodge

Our longtime friend and local education leader will be stepping into the role as °µÍø½ûÇø DC’s new president! For the past few years, Shannon has served as the founding executive director of the DC Charter School Alliance, where she has been responsible for coordinating education leaders from across the city to advocate for resources, policies, and systems to improve DC schools. Prior to launching this important organizational partner to °µÍø½ûÇø DC, Shannon served as the co-founder and executive director of Kingsman Academy Public Charter School, a middle and high school designed specifically to meet the needs of at-risk students in the District of Columbia, and as the executive director of Options Public Charter School. Shannon has earned an executive master’s degree in public school leadership from Georgetown University McDonough School of Business, a J.D. from Stanford Law School, an Ed.M. in administration, planning, and social policy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, an M.S.Ed. in psychoeducational studies from Purdue University, and a B.A. in African-American studies from Harvard University.

Her experience as an educator, attorney, advocate, and school leader make Shannon a fantastic fit for the role of president at °µÍø½ûÇø DC. I asked Shannon to share a couple of reflections about why she’s excited to join the °µÍø½ûÇø DC team, and here’s what she had to say –

Wow! I’m thrilled to be joining this incredible community of educators, partners, supporters, and friends. °µÍø½ûÇø DC has been an anchor in the District of Columbia for decades, and I’m so excited to join the team as we continue to cement ourselves as an educational institution in DC together. Tens of thousands of students and families in Washington have called °µÍø½ûÇø DC home over the years – and I’m excited to join them as a member of the team and family.

I’m also really looking forward to getting to know you all. One of my top priorities in the coming months is to find opportunities to meet you, hear from you, and help us build a shared vision for the future of °µÍø½ûÇø DC that is responsive to the needs of our students, families, and communities. Together, we’ll continue to build a school system that is even more impactful, innovative, and inclusive. I’m excited to visit each °µÍø½ûÇø DC school and meet with lots of different stakeholders to ensure your voices are heard and valued.

Over the past few months, we worked with an who has deep ties to our local community and °µÍø½ûÇø DC to conduct thorough engagement with staff members, board members, and advisors to define the candidate profile, job description, and selection process. We received applications from more than 100 candidates from a national pool with a broad range of backgrounds and experiences. And we conducted a rigorous selection process including multiple rounds of interviews, a performance exercise, school visits, and conversations with parents, teachers, principals, HDQ leaders, and DEI Coalition members. Special thanks to everyone who weighed in and shared perspectives throughout this extensive process – and to Shannon for her engagement, flexibility, and commitment to °µÍø½ûÇø DC throughout.

We’re so grateful to our partners at the for their support and collaboration through this transition. We know Shannon will be dearly missed by her team, the Alliance board, and all of our fellow charter leaders in DC, and we’re excited for her to continue to have an impact on education in the District of Columbia.

Shannon will step into the role in mid-August and we hope you’ll get a chance to meet her at one of a series of events we’re planning after schools are up and running for the new year. Please join me in welcoming Shannon to the °µÍø½ûÇø DC team and family!

Posted on August 1, 2022 in News