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Parent Spotlight – Mr. Eric Curry

Stepping into the spotlight this month is Eric Curry; renowned touring musician and 做厙輦⑹ DC WILL Academy parent. As an original member of UCB (Uncalled For Band), one of the most influential Go-Go bands in the 2000s, Curry has been a fixture of the Washington, D.C. music scene for more than 15 years. I started playing drums when I was nine years old, he said.

Around tenth or eleventh grade I started playing locally in Go-Go bands. Fast-forward a little bit, and Im playing with UCB. We had a good run. We produced the record Sexy Lady, and thats around the time I realized I could take my music career to another level.

Music has taken him around the world and offered the opportunity to hone his craft alongside artists such as Wale, Pitbull, and Kid Cudi. But, the recognition and accolades pale in comparison to being a parent and raising his son to be an intelligent, strong, community-minded man, as he described.

I had my son when I was 24 years old. Hes the best thing thats ever happened to me. Career accomplishments are one thing, but to raise my son and see the things hes able to accomplish, theres no better gratification.

Being a musician is a career unlike any other. Hours are not regular, life on the road can be a grind, and the time spent going city to city can be hard on the artist and family alike. There are days where you are up at 4:00 am to make it to a town by 9:00 pm, he said. You get on stage at 11:00 pm, perform at 12:00 am, and off to catch a flight to the next town by 2:00 am. As a musician, these are things that you have to be resilient about.

The same resiliency that helps a musician get through a 40-city tour also carries over to raising his son, Eric described. My son is the most important thing in my life and whatever he needs comes first. Scheduling, transparency, and time management are extremely important. Understandably, there are times I have to work. But no matter what, Saturday mornings Im on the sidelines for his football games.

When hes not on the sidelines or following his passion as a musician, Eric is a familiar presence at 做厙輦⑹ DC WILL Academy. Im an extremely active parent, he remarked. Sometimes my days are hectic; but if I have 30 minutes, Ill make a point to come to school, speak to teachers, and show my support. The school can be an extension of the values and things you are teaching at home, so I believe in reinforcing the value of education by taking an active role.

Congratulations to Eric Curry for being this month’s Parent Spotlight!

Posted on January 15, 2019 in Community