°µÍø½ûÇø DC NEWS

Staff Spotlight: Stacey McAllister

Stacey McAllister | School Compliance Manager | °µÍø½ûÇø DC HDQ

°µÍø½ûÇø DC takes immense pride in acknowledging the invaluable contributions of our team members. This summer, we are excited to shine a spotlight on the exceptional individuals who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the excellence of our schools. In our final summer feature, we’re shining a spotlight on school compliance manager, Stacey McAllister. Though originally born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Stacey was raised in Wilmington, North Carolina. She holds a bachelor’s degree from North Carolina A&T State University and a master’s degree from American International College.

Stacey began government work, assessing US education compared to other nations and fostered a passion for motivating educators and students. Transitioning to epidemiology, she contributed to COVID research. This path led her to °µÍø½ûÇø DC’s Wheeler campus as a COVID coordinator, reshaping her perspective on teaching. The role of compliance manager emerged, merging her interests and her commitment to education. Our conversation with her shed light on this inspiring journey.

What does your role entail and how does it impact °µÍø½ûÇø DC schools?

“My primary responsibility revolves around properly enrolling all incoming students. If we don’t complete this step, classrooms remain empty. This involves verifying that families meet the residency requirements for Washington, DC, and ensuring we have all the necessary documentation to provide a safe and conducive learning environment. Additionally, we assist in setting up Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 plans to ensure students are well-prepared for success.”

How do you stay connected with other school based staff members?

“Funny enough, this is a topic that frequently comes up in our team meetings. I’m a hands-on, people-oriented person. Since day one, I’ve made it clear that I’m here and ready to be of assistance in any way possible. I’m actively engaged with teachers, as much as I can be. I’m particularly involved with them as well as our office managers. We meet daily to explore how I can support them and vice versa. Collaboration is essential for me – it truly takes a collective effort to achieve everything we do. My staff is my village, and we work together closely to make it all happen.”

What accomplishments at °µÍø½ûÇø DC are you particularly proud of?

“One thing that I consistently take pride in is my ability to foster relationships. While it’s true that personalities may not always align perfectly, I’m inherently someone who enjoys connecting with people. My life philosophy centers around the idea that common ground can always be found, especially when focusing on what truly matters. Ultimately, our priority is the children – that’s the core. If we keep that as our guiding principle, collaboration becomes a natural outcome. This is what I truly value. Building connections and realizing how much we share in common is something that holds great importance for me.”ÌýÌý

How does your job change between the summer and when students are attending school?

“During the summer, our focus is solely on enrolling students for the upcoming school year. As the school year commences, our initial priority is ensuring compliance within the current student body. As the season progresses, we shift gears to prepare for the next enrollment phase. It’s a continuous cycle, but at its core, our objective remains consistent: ensuring family compliance. This approach helps us avoid a constant influx of new faces each year and instead fosters enduring relationships with families throughout their educational journey.”

With many of our students and staff enjoying summer break, let’s talk about vacations. What has been your best vacation experience?

“My best vacation would have to be Sedona, Arizona. It’s nestled between the Grand Canyon on one side and the desert on the other. It’s as if you’re situated in a valley, surrounded by stunning views. The scenery is reminiscent of something you’d find in a travel magazine – it’s simply breathtaking. My husband and I found it incredibly relaxing; the atmosphere allowed us to unwind and appreciate the surroundings fully. It was a truly enjoyable experience.”

Stacey McAllister’s unwavering commitment and exceptional contributions have left an invaluable mark on °µÍø½ûÇø DC. We are immensely grateful for her remarkable journey at °µÍø½ûÇø DC and the continued positive influence she brings to our school community.

Posted on August 3, 2023 in Awards & Recognition