°µÍø½ûÇø DC NEWS

Staff Spotlight – Yasmeen Warner

Yasmeen Warner | Manager of Culture & Operations | °µÍø½ûÇø DC Headquarters

We want to recognize Yasmeen Warner as °µÍø½ûÇø DC’s January Staff Spotlight! She is the Manager of Culture & Operations at °µÍø½ûÇø DC Headquarters and joined our team in January 2022. Yasmeen is originally from Brooklyn, New York, and graduated from Howard University in Washington, DC, where she studied Sociology and African American studies.

What led you to want to work in education?

“In college, I discovered my passion for working with after-school and local programs supporting students. It’s intriguing to witness student growth, especially in a short time. It’s important to believe in students and provide new opportunities to remind them that all students can choose to be whatever they want. I loved seeing that spark in the students. It’s what drew me to education!â€

Tell me how your work impacts °µÍø½ûÇø DC.

“As the manager of culture & operations, my sole job is to create a welcoming community for everyone at headquarters, along with setting a joyful environment where staff can work efficiently and provide them with all the essentials to thrive. I love creating spaces where people can thrive and be the best version of themselves when they come to work.â€

What have you enjoyed most about working at °µÍø½ûÇø DC?

“Everyone at headquarters and our school staff is truly dedicated to the mission. I love working alongside passionate people who go above and beyond to ensure our students and families have the necessary resources and information. Once students graduate from our high schools, we continue to support them through college or career pathways.â€

What are the things you’ve done here at °µÍø½ûÇø DC that you’re the proudest about?

“Our monthly cultural events because they originally started as a thought until execution. I realized it was something we could do, and adding our culture committee has been beneficial, including more input and different ideas. I am proud of it because I want everyone to feel welcome and included at headquarters.â€

How do you stay connected with school base staff such as teachers, school leaders, office managers, etc.?

“It’s easy for us to stay connected with school teams because there are endless events to support and volunteer for. It’s also a great reason to change your scenery. Our students are full of personality, so they keep me entertained and relevant to current trends.â€

If you could pass on any wisdom to our students, what would you share with them?

“Do it all. Do not limit yourself to the things you enjoy. Life is about exploring! Try it because you never know what you can fall into.â€

Yasmeen’s contributions to °µÍø½ûÇø DC have been exceptional. We are proud to feature her as our Staff Spotlight this month as she continues to impact the °µÍø½ûÇø DC community positively.

Posted on January 19, 2023 in Awards & Recognition