Stories of Support — Brandy

Throughout her college journey, the support of Through College & Career has been a constant as Brandy concludes her senior year at Brandeis University. So, as the current health emergency grew and students at her university were ordered to leave campus Brandy, a college student experiencing homelessness, knew she could rely on the support of her Through College & Career advisor. Already monitoring the situation, her advisor was able to help her navigate any hurdles to remaining safely on campus and secure $250.00 in emergency assistance.

“The biggest thing the support gave me was the ability to focus. Because of the aid, I was able to stay in a stable and safe environment to finish my senior year of college”

While the finish to her senior year may look a bit different than she may have imagined when the school year started, Brandy is looking forward to graduating and impacting students inside the classroom as a teacher. She has already secured a position as a teacher for next school year, and looks forward to having the support of her Through College & Career advisor as she navigates this next phase of her journey.

“Ms. Holder is like a parent to me. I talk to her twice a week about everything. We have a relationship I know will continue long after I graduate. Ten years from now, I know I can call her and she’ll be there for me.”

Learn More About How You Can Support Alumni Like Brandy!

Posted on April 24, 2020 in Through College & Career