Stories of Support — Sebastian

Sebastian is a freshman at North Carolina A&T and a graduate of DC College Preparatory. Before the current public health emergency moved his classes online and students off-campus, he was working towards a degree in mathematics with an eye toward pursuing student theater opportunities at his university. Amid changing circumstances, his Through College & Career advisor was able to get in contact with him and help provide $150 dollars in emergency transportation assistance to support Sebastian in getting back home to family and friends quickly and safely.

“I talk to my KTC advisor all the time about school and how I’m doing. Whenever I need help with anything, whether it’s advice with classes or financial aid, I know I can reach out to Ms. Mendoza, and she’s got me. In this situation, we got the notice pretty quickly that we needed to leave campus. Still, my advisor was already monitoring the situation and reaching out to see how she can help.”

Now back home in Washington, DC, Sebastian is continuing to take classes virtually online while also using the time he was home to reconnect with family and friends. “I’ve been taking the opportunity with everything that’s going on right now to spend a lot of time with my little brother. We’ve really bonded over the last few weeks with not being away at school. I appreciate the opportunity this situation has provided me to have moments with him as his older brother.”

Sebastian, like many DC alumni, is looking forward to returning to campus in the fall and continuing his college journey. When he returns, he looks forward to reconnecting with his Aggie classmates and pursuing this theater passion. Along the way, he’ll have the support of the Through College & Career team to help get him back to school healthy and safe, while empowering him on his journey to and through college.

Learn More About How You Can Support Alumni Like Sebastian!

Posted on April 13, 2020 in Through College & Career