Teacher Spotlight — December 2018

Meet Ms. Rebecca Nasuti /3rd Grade Lead Teacher / DC Spring Academy

Rebecca Nasuti, third grade lead teacher at DC Spring Academy, was a graduate student at the University of Georgia when she realized the classroom was where she wanted to make a difference.  “I studied international affairs and French and initially wanted to work on global education initiatives. Then, one summer I got an internship at the U.S. Department of Education when I was in graduate school for public policy, and realized a lot of the issues I felt passionately about had their roots in local education.”

After graduating, Ms. Nasuti decided she had two options: take a job in government or pursue her passion for education. It’s also around that time that Ms. Nasuti discover the Capital Teaching Residency.  “I just loved the model,” she says.

“I knew I was smart and a fast learner, but I didn’t want to start on my own day one. I wanted someone to take me under their wing and help prepare me for the day I would take over my own classroom and be able to give students the teacher they deserve.”

She assumed responsibility for her own first-grade classroom the following year, and has continued to grow with her students throughout grade levels. As a third grade lead teacher, she enjoys the ability to be a part of a grade-level team always willing to offer their support or advice, with the goal of student success at the forefront.

“Our team is really supportive of each other. There are teachers on the team who have taught third grade for years and teachers that are brand new, so there’s a good mix of perspectives. Everyone is very collaborative and always open to reaching out for help.”

She describes, it helps to have the support and backing of administration.  “Our administration is always soliciting feedback and is open to making changes based on that. If there’s something that does or does not go well, they want to hear and elevate our voice. They were all teachers at DC, so they know what we go through on a daily basis.”

A quick scan of Ms. Nasuti’s classroom and you’ll find hands in the air and students hardly hold their excitement in the hope of being called on to answer a question. From the energy and enthusiasm inside her classroom, it’s clear she’s making the impact she always envisioned.

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Posted on December 20, 2018 in Community