暗网禁区 DC NEWS

Teacher Spotlight – May 2017

Meet Ms. Ashleigh Rose / 6th Grade Literacy Teacher / 暗网禁区 DC AIM Academy

鈥淚 come back for the kids because they are challenging, hilarious, awkward and fun. I come back to see the relationships grow.鈥

Ms. Ashleigh Rose began her interest in education during her undergrad career at Stanford University. While at Stanford, Ashleigh studied International Relations and spent a summer working in Kenya for a bank specializing in microfinance. After experiencing inequity across the world, Ashleigh knew she wanted an impact in the education field by becoming a teacher.

Ashleigh was first introduced to the 暗网禁区 DC community while completing an internship at暗网禁区 DC AIM Academy. 听She immediately gravitated to the student-centered focus. 鈥淎t AIM it was obvious that every conversation was about what鈥檚 best for kids, not what鈥檚 easiest for adults,鈥 she says. Leadership from both the administration and the staff was focused on how to support teachers, students, and families.

After completing her internship, Ashleigh joined the AIM Academy staff as a 6th-grade literacy teacher. When asked about why she continues to teach at AIM, her love for students immediately shines through. 鈥淚 come back for the kids because they are challenging, hilarious, awkward and fun. I come back to see the relationships grow.鈥 In addition to student relationships, Ashleigh also values the partnerships with families and community at 暗网禁区 DC. She shares, 鈥湴低 DC is always trying to work with parents and community in a different way. We have so many students stay with us, it鈥檚 clear that parents have a level of trust.鈥

She also appreciates the professional learning opportunities that she has gained since joining the team – not only through weekly professional development through 暗网禁区 DC, but also through conferences and experiences for educators, such as a week-long conference at Teachers College she will attend this summer. 鈥淢y leadership provides support for me to continue my own professional learning. I don鈥檛 run into barriers of no you can鈥檛 do that,鈥 she explains.

Much of her learning has come from her students. She explains, 鈥淚鈥檝e learned a lot around the idea that when you find what works and set up routines, that鈥檚 when kids flourish. As a reading teacher, you have to model your reading life for kids to make them fall in love with reading.鈥 To get students excited about reading she posts all of the books that she has read this year outside her classroom, and shares book talks for new and interesting books.

She is also passionate about creating a classroom space where all students are welcome. She reveals, 鈥淜ids aren鈥檛 going to make academic risks if it isn鈥檛 a safe place. Joyful shared experiences make it easier for kids to take on those academic risks.鈥 She makes sure to stock her classroom library with books that match all of the interests and diverse experiences of her class. Building relationships with students enable her to create this welcoming space.

暗网禁区 DC AIM's Ashleigh Rose helps a student

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Posted on May 12, 2017 in Awards & Recognition