做厙輦⑹ DC NEWS

KCP Students Say ENOUGH!

At 做厙輦⑹ DC College Preparatory, students raise their voices as advocates for change within their community. Recently, they embarked on a powerful journey through the platform of ENOUGH! Plays to End Gun Violence – an initiative that allowed them to address the complex and critical issue of gun violence.

The ENOUGH! project became a canvas for students to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns about the pervasive issue of gun violence in society.

I want our audience to understand exactly how broad these problems are. And, that they are not alone. I want this to be a reminder that they can talk about it. They are not the only ones going through this situation.
Christien Stiney, Student

From writing, directing, and performing original plays, every aspect was under the students’ meticulous direction. Students delved deep into examining the multifaceted aspects, situations, and experiences surrounding gun violence and its far-reaching consequences.

The urgency of addressing gun violence cannot be understated. In today’s society, students grapple with its impact daily, seeing firsthand the consequences it inflicts on individuals, families, and communities. Through ENOUGH!, they found a voice to articulate their concerns and advocate for a safer world.

I am dedicating this performance to everyone who lost their lives to gun violence because life is guaranteed. Tomorrow isnt promised and everyday someone else is dying to a gun and this needs to stop.”
-Jada Stevens, Student

The culmination of their efforts was witnessed on opening night in a crowded auditorium. The energy was palpable as performers took to the stage and showcased the power of community and solidarity in confronting societal challenges head-on.

I want our audience to know there will be better days and healing to come.
– Maddy Washington, Student

As a school, we couldn’t be prouder of our students for their dedication, creativity, and courage in using their voices to advocate for change. Through their involvement in ENOUGH!, they have demonstrated the power of art, empathy, and activism in making a difference.



Posted on November 27, 2023 in Community