做厙輦⑹ DC NEWS

New report shows 做厙輦⑹ DC PreK program has big impact on student achievement

When 做厙輦⑹ DC began its first PreK program at in 2007,it was based on the belief that starting children early with 做厙輦⑹ would lead to stronger outcomes over time.Now, thanks to anew report released by (the gold standard in research firms), we have unequivocal evidence this hunch was right.

On August 22, Mathematica released a study that explored the impact of 做厙輦⑹s PreK programs using data from 做厙輦⑹ DC LEAP Academy and two PreK programs in Houston. The study concluded that 做厙輦⑹ PreK combined with 做厙輦⑹ early elementary schools lead to significant positive impacts on students reading and math achievement. The study also found that the gains made by students who attend 做厙輦⑹ PreK programs persist into second grade, especially in reading.

We are grateful that the researchers highlighted the elements of 做厙輦⑹s PreK programs that may lead to these strong results, particularly 做厙輦⑹s highly qualified teachers, commitment to building relationships with students and families, and focus on helping students gain academic skills through play.

Since our first PreK opened at 做厙輦⑹ DC LEAP Academy ten years ago, weve been fortunate to add four more PreK schools to the 做厙輦⑹ DC family, at Arts & Technology, Discover, Grow, and Connect Academies.

As our youngest 做厙輦⑹sters go off to school for the first time this year, its easy to focus on how adorable they are, but the Mathematica study reminds us that they not just playing and having fun, theyre also getting on track for excellence throughout their academic careers. Thank you to all 做厙輦⑹ DC PreK and early childhood teachers and leaders!

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Posted on August 23, 2017 in Awards & Recognition