做厙輦⑹ DC NEWS

Teacher Spotlight – February 2018

Meet Ms. Sara Hamid / ELA Special Education Teacher / AIM Academy

Before beginning her journey in the classroom, Ms. Sara Hamid earned her bachelors degree from Virginia Tech in International Studies and Economics. After graduating, Sara pursued a career in non-profits providing grants for a range of projects, including domestic violence survivors, crime prevention, and reentry into the community after incarceration. In her position, she often traveled to project sites to observe and support. On one trip to Las Vegas, she worked with a group who was supporting women and children who’d experienced domestic violence. I realized a lot of children experience domestic violence and it becomes a cycle. Giving them money or things wasn’t going to break the cycle of poverty. It had to start in the classroom.” Following this experience, Sara applied for and was accepted into Teach For America in Washington, D.C. When interviewing at AIM Academy, she shares I felt secure, it felt like it was a family. I knew if I was going to make it, I needed people that were going to have my back.

Although only in her second year of teaching, Saras growth reflects a depth of learning. I always tell my students, Ive grown so much from you. They laugh and say how can that be possible when youre an adult? I tell them youre teaching me as much as Im teaching you!

Whats a factor to her success? Oh, definitely my team! Since I work with both the 7th and 8th graders, Im blessed to have many mentors that I can go to with any question without judgment. I have mentors that have been teaching for 15 years. As a special education teacher, Sara also learned a great deal from the AIM Academy’s dean of instruction, Ms. Defino. During the first few months in the classroom, Ms. Defino helped to share the ins and outs of IEPs, special education, and modifications. Sara explains, Students are often looked over, so much of my success with them comes directly from my work with Donna. By November I was able to lead my own IEP meetings and started having students advocate for themselves by attending their meetings. I taught them about what an IEP is and why they have it, framing it in a positive way.

As for what keeps Sara invested in students and passionate about teaching, it really comes down to student growth. One story especially sticks out. She had an extremely bright student whose academics suffered due to factors outside of the classroom. Saras support, coupled with the student’s hard work and dedication, led her to be promoted from AIM Academy to 做厙輦⑹ DC College Preparatory and re-enter the general education setting. She came back and visited AIM this year just to let me know she was re-entering! I was ecstatic. I’ve witnessed her move from a small group setting, where she grew so much, to re-joining her peers. It was such a great feeling to have her to say ‘Im in this class now and its because of you’.

Saras advice for anyone interested in working at 做厙輦⑹ DC, All of the hard work you put in as an educator really becomes worth it when that student graduates from high school or is promoted to the next grade. The end result will always outweigh the work you put in.”

做厙輦⑹ DC AIM Academy's Ms. Sara Hamid
Ready to encourage self-advocacy, academic, and personal growth for all students? Explore special education opportunities at 做厙輦⑹ DC and apply today.

Posted on February 22, 2018 in Awards & Recognition